Hi! I'm Dr. Sonali. I help professional women ditch diet culture and permanently lose weight through making small, sustainable changes and healing their relationship with food (and themselves).

You've tried diets, bouts of extreme exercise, and you've consumed lots (like... tons) of content in an attempt to lose weight for good. 

You're frustrated by not feeling good in your clothes, and even your own skin. You're mentally exhausted from constantly thinking about food, and maybe you're even feeling some shame when you eat.

It's embarrassing when you're struggling with a problem that everyone can see. You're tired of feeling like you're not in control, and you're wondering...

"Why can't I fix this?"

I'm Dr. Sonali Hemachandra, and I tried + felt all of these things.

It was a decades-long struggle for me.

I tried all kinds of diets, meal plans, and exercise plans—with varying degrees of success—but never with lasting results.

Despite my medical education, I just couldn't figure it out. I desperately wanted to love how I looked in the mirror and how clothes fit. Like anyone, I wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin.

In 2018, after years of trial + error, I finally learned skills around food choices and mind management that changed everything. And as a result, I was able to lose the weight. I've kept it off ever since. 

I discovered that it's not just about losing the weight. It's about loving the journey.

Making small adjustments and liking the feeling that it's doable. Enjoying great food (I still love my chocolate!). Being gentle toward myself in the process.

What I absolutely love now is no longer thinking my metabolism is broken, or this is something beyond my control. Even if I gain weight on a vacation let’s say, I have the knowledge and mental skills to set my next goal and achieve it.

The bonus with the mental strategies I now teach in Nourished & Confident is that they apply to ALL aspects of life. My clients not only lose weight — they also find it easier to get clarity and control over other areas of their life!

And there's still room for chocolate.

It's important to remember that weight maintenance is a fluid and active part of life... but it isn't hard, and it isn't restrictive. There will always be room to keep enjoying life's celebrations and vacations.

And there's no fixed goal—you get to decide that for yourself!

Anne from Minnesota says...


"I began this program with a really conflicted view of my physical existence in the world.

I believe that diet culture is toxic and that our society overtly and covertly discriminates against people living in larger bodies. But I also knew that my body wasn't currently allowing me to do the things that bring me joy. I needed to try something different. That's when this coaching program came to me. Being able to start with a brutally honest conversation with you about my experience with my body from childhood to present was therapeutic because you did not judge me or my beliefs; rather, you held space for me to integrate my past experiences with my current feelings in a way that enabled me to, over time, develop my own definition of what I want from my body.

The language that you use in the program is helpful given my aversion to the concept of "diet." You helped me develop a protocol that works for me—and that i can control and evolve over time. Knowing that I was making my own rules--not following some arbitrary plan designed to help someone else make money—made me confident that I could try different ways of eating that met my needs.

I love to cook and bake and eat out and none of that is compatible with any traditional diet program, but you helped me take these true joys and keep them in my life in a way that allows me to experience other joys that will come with better health.

I've lost more weight than I thought I would, and I continue to lose. I have a long way to go to build strength and help my body do all the fun things I want to do, but it doesn't seem futile any more."

Nourished & Confident is for women just like you.

We're going to approach this as learning new lifestyle tools, not a temporary quick fix diet. It will feel easy, doable, and the best part is you're going to feel so much better along the way. Yes please!

You'll enjoy the process (even though that feels impossible right now).

You'll gain mental freedom.

And over time, along with the scale inching down, you're going to have more time and mental space for the other passions in life you want to pursue. 

There is no rush, and no competition.

We're going to focus on living your best life... a life of quality, where you treat yourself like a queen. You'll learn about true pleasure, not just the pleasure that can be obtained through food.

You'll see that through small, deliberate, consistent changes, you'll achieve a dramatic result over time... and best of all, you'll be empowered to maintain that change long after the program ends.

How It Works

4 Steps to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

Download my free guide to understand why we struggle with weight loss, and some simple steps to get started now!